Singing Guide: ClockWork Music

Singing Guide: ClockWork Music

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Clockwork Music is a band that excels in the heavy metal genre. The band's vocalist, Simone Simons, has a unique singing style and techniques that we can learn from and incorporate into our own singing. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the key aspects that make up her singing style and how we can learn from them.

One of the defining features of Simone's singing style is her use of vibrato. She has a beautiful vibrato that is distinctive and contributes to her melodious sound. In order to develop one's own vibrato, it's important to practice singing sustained notes and adding a slight wavering in the pitch. Singing Carrots provides a great exercise on singing with Vibrato to help you get started.

Another aspect of Simone's singing that stands out is her use of belting, especially in the higher range of her voice. Belting is a specific singing technique that involves using the chest voice to hit higher notes. It can be quite strenuous on the vocal cords, so make sure to take breaks and treat your voice well. To learn more about belting and how to do it safely, you can read Singing Carrots' article on contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting.

Clockwork Music's music also includes a lot of high-pitched screams and growls. While these techniques may not be for everyone, it's still important to understand how to execute them properly. In order to avoid damaging one's vocal cords, it's crucial to use proper breath support and not put too much strain on the vocal cords. You can learn more about these growling techniques by checking out Singing Carrots' article on vocal distortion & growling.

Finally, Clockwork Music's songs are often quite fast-paced, requiring strong breath support and control to keep pace. It's essential to work on breathing exercises and making use of both your active and passive breathing. Practicing consistent respiration will help you take deeper breaths, allowing you to sing for longer periods of time. Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and breath support will provide you with more in-depth information on this topic.

In conclusion, by analyzing and incorporating Simone Simons' unique vocal techniques into your own singing, you can improve your range, pitch accuracy, breath control, and vibrato. Singing Carrots provides a variety of articles, exercises and lessons tailored to those specific goals. Want to try applying these techniques with Clockwork Music's own songs? Singing Carrots' has a search songs feature to help you find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.